Body Fat & Its Link To Prostate Cancer
Excess weight not only raises your risk of prostate cancer, but also higher chance of developing an aggressive and fatal cancer.
The Abdominal (Waist Area) and Thigh Subcutaneous Fat
The accumulation of visceral fat (the ones around
the mid-waist that surrounds the major organs)
and subcutaneous fat (below the skin) in the
thighs were linked to higher chance of
developing advanced prostate cancer.
In a study by Harvard School of Public Health
recently, CT scan was used to determine the
abdominal and thigh fat of the people in the study.
They are between 75 to 76 years old, with
average Body Mass Index (BMI) of 27 and average waist circumference of 40 inches (102cm).
It was later found that those with higher waist size and BMI had greater risks of advanced cancer. 5-point increase in BMI was linked to 50% increase risk, while 4.1 inch (10.4cm) increase in waist size increased the risk by 40% of developing aggressive prostate cancer.
Promoting Positive Outcomes in Prostate Cancer
As shown by previous and current studies, by modifying lifestyle to reduce visceral fat, it will improve the survival of prostate cancer. Pro-inflammation substances released by body fat may be related to metabolic and inflammatory issues that lead to prostate cancer development.
Any exercise that is more effective to burn abdominal fat?
It was found that high intensity exercise training significantly reduced abdominal visceral fat more than low intensity exercises due to greater post-exercise energy expenditure and fat-burn due to higher amount of fat-breakdown hormones released during the high intensity exercise.
A 4-months high intensity exercise of 3 days a week, show more favourable changes in body composition, compared to a low intensity exercise of 5 days a week. You may learn more about prostate cancer and other URoCare Secope of services here at
(updated : January, 2020)
Disclaimer : The website may contain information relating to various conditions and treatment, gathered and sourced from reputable sources. However, this is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, it is solely intended for informational purposes only. Patients should always consult with a doctor or healthcare provider for thorough medical advice and information about diagnosis and treatment.
Reference :
2. Irving, 2009. Effect of exercise training intensity on abdominal visceral fat and body composition
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