Hydrocele is referred as the fluid-like containing sac within the inguinal area or the scrotum. It can be communicating or non-communicating. The former will usually associate with congenital hernia. The later is isolated and is usually contained within the tunica vaginalis.
The cause of congenital hydrocele is usually associated with the patent process vaginallis. The adult hydrocele could be due to the outcome of infection, trauma or chronic infection like worms, etc. (which is not common in the developed country or developing countries)
The hydrocele is usually painless but the heavy weight of the mass will cause some discomfort within the scrotum. It is usually confused with “ tumour” in the testes that alarms the patient for consultation.
Treatment of hydrocele will depend on the:
1. Size and symptoms
The larger the size and the more the discomfort, the more surgical intervention is needed. The small hydrocele can be treated by observation or by needle aspiration, though there are risks of introducing infection and chances of recurrence are always there.
2. Types
If the hyrocele is associated with hernia, treatment is mandatory as it will become bigger, especially in different postures and this may cause great discomfort to the patient.
The treatment is the jaboley operation which entails the inversion of the tunical so that the secretory surfaces of the fluid are inverted and facing externally, facing the inner aspect of the skin, so as to prevent recurrence. Occasionally, the tunica will need to be excised, especially if it is associated with chronic hydrocele.
Disclaimer: This is not a guide to self-diagnose. We encourage to seek urologist advice further.