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Wholesome Package

Wellness Packages

  • Wholesome

  • Enlightening

  • Elite Health

  • Premium Health

  • Male Deluxe

  • Female Deluxe

  • Male Cancer

  • Female Cancer

  • Smokers'

  • Sexual Health

  • Premium Couple

  • Prostate Wellness

  • Basic Cardiac

  • Premium Cardiac


Regular health screenings and check-ups are essential to maintaining a healthy life and to discover potential health risks before it is too late.


The Wholesome package is a basic and general health screening package, it is best suited for those who regularly go for health-screenings and are looking for a confidence pick-me-up for their well-being and health.

Age Range: 40 and below.

Price: $299

  • PDPA
    We may include transfer or share data with other members. The collection, use and disclosure of your personal data, which will be obtained directly from you, or information we obtain as a result of our relationship with you, may include but not limited to the following purposes, We will retain personal info for period of business relationship to serve you better, such as -Rending medical services -To engage other members of ML've or third party vendors for the purpose of rendering medical care -To communicate with your company or personal insurance for claims, reinsurance and compliance/audit purposes pertaining to your care -To respond to your enquiries, providing advice and service - marketing communications and exclusive events, for better understanding of our clientele, we may use the information for data analysis and customer service improvement -We will take precaution to ensure personal data collect are accurately reflected in system. -We shall also not be liable for any direct, incidental or consequential damage or loss suffered by you that may result from the collection, use, disclosure and/or processing of your Personal Data, including but not limited to any loss of, or any inability to retrieve any Personal Data, howsoever caused, or any inaccuracy in the Personal Data presented, used or transmitted whether over the internet or any public network may be subject to loss, interception and misuse. Copyright and trademark issues All trademarks, logos, images used in this web site are property of ML've Healthcare Group. Under no circumstances, unless written consent notice, are users allowed to copy or use any of the content and services here for commercial/personal gain.
  • T&C
    General T&C applies Upon accessing any part of DOMAIN, you shall be deemed having agreed to be legally bound by these terms of use. These terms of use shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. We may amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time in our sole discretion without notice to you. Any additional, amendment or deletion will take effect at the time we post it on our website. T&C for ML'veGreat Membership - Your membership is valid for one year from the date of website administrator approval. The expiry date will require your renewal from the last membership approval date. Upon expiry, all unused preferential fees, offers, other unused benefits will be forfeited. -By signing up for either of the two types of ML'veGreatmembership, one which is the ML'veGreatmembership and the second type, ML'veGreat★, for the paid membership, all applicants shall be taken to have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions set out by VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd, and its subsidiaries and related companies. On VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd’s acceptance of a membership application, the successful applicant shall be subject to and bound by the terms and conditions set out below. -Each successful applicant shall be referred to as a ‘Member’ of the ML'veGreat Programme.The Member agrees that the terms and conditions of the Programme may be amended, modified or supplemented in whole or in part at any time and without prior notice. The Member can and should access the applicable terms and conditions of the Programme here anytime. -VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd reserves the right to reject any application for membership without offering any reasons. - The particulars in the sign up form and membership fee (applicable for ML'veGreat★) , are required for administrator review for the membership sign-up. - Each account is for personal use and the Member shall not share, transfer or sell his or her login details or password to another party. VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd has the right to assign new usernames and passwords to a Member whenever it deems it fit to do so.The Programme account holders are responsible for safeguarding and updating their personal information on the mobile/web platform. If there are any suspected breaches of security such as loss, theft or unauthorized use of the account, the member is to notify VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd immediately. - VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd has the right and absolute discretion to suspend or terminate the Member’s access to any of the privileges, offers, benefits and services under the Programme without offering any reasons, and also in the case of Member is suspected of or found misusing the website or mobile platform of the pages, the membership will be terminated immediately. - All ML'veGreat★programme membership fees paid are nonrefundable and non-exchangeable for cash, all benefits are also non-exchangeable for cash for both membership types. - Prefential fees for medical and imaging services, nutrition care services are capped at maximum of $120 to be redeemed throughout the activated ML'veGreat★ membership year from administration approval date. - For events organised by VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd, organiser reserves the right to cancel/ reschedule/relocate event venue or change of date/time of the event at any time prior to the event, with notice to the individuals, there will be no fee refund and the organiser shall not be held liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused thereof. - As for the expired or terminated members' account, the benefits are non-exchangeable for cash, cannot be refunded, redeemed, transferred and/or claimed for goods and services after the account has been terminated. Benefits may not be reinstated after a terminated or suspended account has been reactivated. - A Member who wishes to terminate his/her account is to provide VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd with a written notification through the email of - The ML'veGreatmembership programme is an exclusive property of VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd and follows the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use stated on the ML've Governance, and reserves the right to take legal action against any misuse or infringement of its intellectual property rights, plagiarism, hacking of its system and/or the misuse of personal accounts or other Members’ accounts. - The ML'veGreatmembership programme which includes benefits, offers and terms & conditions may be supplemented, altered or removed at the sole discretion of VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd, participation in the membership Programme is at the Member’s own risk, and VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd shall not be held liable for any damages, claims, expenses or losses howsoever caused whether directly or indirectly from the participation in this Programme, Programme materials and/or the benefits redeemed through the Programme. - Information, materials or links that lead to external websites are not representative of VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd, and Members who proceed to or access these websites at their own risk and VervEndeavour Pte. Ltd shall not be held liable for the same.
  • Disclaimer
    This website does not provide medical advice nor purports to do so. Contents found on this site are meant purely for informational and educational purposes only. The website is no substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or professional care. If you suspect that you have a health problem, consult a doctor or qualified healthcare provider. ML've does not make warranty or guarantee that service will be uninterrupted, timely and secure or error free. The content, including text, graphics, images and information on this website including but not limited to healthcare/medical tips and articles is for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Members should consult a doctor or a qualified healthcare professional if he/she is suspected to be or suffering from health related problems. Members should not delay seeking consultation or treatment because of what was read from the Programme materials.
  • Governing Law & Jurisdiction
    Governing Law & Jurisdiction By accessing this website and/or using the online services, you agree that such access and/or use, as well as these Terms and Conditions of Access shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Singapore and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.
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    Privacy policy privacy is important. personal info kept strictly confidential info shared only with authorised staff for providing better services "cookies" are information websites employ to store personalised browsing settings. you may set up web browser to deny or accept cookies. some of out site may not work properly our website automatically tracks and collects the following information: (1) IP addresses; (2) domain servers; (3) types of computers accessing DOMAIN; (4) types of web browsers used to access DOMAIN; (5) referring source which may have sent you to the DOMAIN; and (6) other information associated with the interaction of your browser and DOMAIN. Like most websites, we may use cookies to “remember” information about your preferences. You can set up your web browser to accept or reject cookies. We may amend this policy from time to time and will place any such amendments on this website. IMPORTANT: By accessing this website and any of its pages you are agreeing to the terms set out above.
  • Third party content and Hyperlinks
    Third part content not responsible for the content and its interpretation of any info, pic, video or materials from third parties displayed on our website Hyperlinks not intended to be recommendation, do not check if the information is accurate. take no responsibility for damage arising from the use of this info
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